Tuesday 1 March 2016

Eyebrow hair restoration techniques

Hair transplant for eyebrows! Does it seem unusual? To many it may seem unusual; but it is a miracle for people who have lost their eyebrow hair. Eyebrows are important facial feature, and losing eyebrows certainly affects your looks and confidence. There are certain cosmetic techniques to conceal eyebrow hair loss, but they are all temporary. Furthermore, they do not produce the same results as natural eyebrows do.
Reasons for Eyebrow Hair Loss
Here are common reasons that lead to eyebrow hair loss.
·         Excessive plucking: Years of excessive eyebrow plucking can lead to eyebrow hair loss. When you pluck a hair, hair comes out with partial root. Although, the hair grows from the remaining hair root, repeated plucking causes the hair root to die permanently.
·         Skin diseases: There are many skin diseases that cause the hair roots to die permanently. If your eyebrow area is affected by any of this skin condition, you may lose hair permanently.
·         Injury or surgery: When our skin is injured, hair roots in the resulting scar area die out. That’s why scars do not have any hair. Additionally, there are many situations when it is necessary to perform surgery to the eyebrow area. The hair will lose its ability to grow at the incision site.
Eyebrow hair transplant:
Fortunately, a hair transplant can grow eyebrow hair in the all above-mentioned cases. Eyebrow hair restoration works on the same principles as a scalp hair transplant. It extracts healthy donor hair form an area of the head and plants them to the eyebrow. Eyebrow transplant surgery comes under the category of body hair transplant in which hair are extracted from the scalp and planted elsewhere on the body to grow hair on eyebrows, eyelashes, beard or moustache. Eyebrow transplantation is a complex surgery that needs special skills on surgeon’s part.
Since eyebrow transplantation does not need a large number of hairs, surgeons recommend using less invasive FUE technique to harvest donor hair. The surgeon may need to divide some hair grafts under a stereo-microscope to prepare them for eyebrow transplant. Patients who have curly or wavy hair are a challenge for surgeons because in those patients the surgeon needs to rotate hair to a proper degree so that the hair would follow the natural direction of hair. The fact that it needs small number of hair for transplantation makes it less costly than a head hair transplant.

Aesthetics of eyebrow transplant
Eyebrow hair restoration demands good aesthetic sense and surgical skills from the surgeon. In fact, it is a procedure where surgeon carefully creates the arch shape of a brow, takes care of thickness and direction of hair and maintains the proper length of the brow and distance between the brows. A good surgeon creates natural looking eyebrows.
Following are some guidelines that the surgeon must take care of.
·         To create eyebrow or add thickness to it you need only those hair follicles which contain only 1 or 2 hairs. Using grafts containing 3 or 4 hairs would give the eyebrow an unnatural appearance.
·         Before planting in the recipient site, the hair must be rotated properly so as to follow the direction of hair in that area.
·         Recipient sites must be created in a way that when hairs grow they would lie flat on the surface while forming a fan like splay.
·         Transplanted hair must follow the direction of rest of the hair in the recipient site. 
When you will see the results:
It is a minor surgery performed with local anesthesia on outpatient basis. Your transplant will take only few hours and you will have your eyebrows restored. You can leave the clinic immediately after the transplant is complete. Although, the surgery does not take too long, you will not see your eyebrow hair growing overnight. The transplanted will go into a sleeping phase, known as telogen phase, right after the transplant. They will start their growth after 2-3 months.
How long will the results last?
Eyebrow transplant gives you permanent eyebrows. The surgery makes use of balding resistant hair follicles which are available at the back of the scalp. So, you never lose your hair from the treated area. Hair transplant gives natural looking results and no one can guess that you have grown your eyebrows through a surgery.

Eyebrow hair restoration is used frequently around the world because it is the only treatment which can give you natural brows permanently. It can increase thickness and volume of your hair and can also work on patients who have lost their eyebrows completely. No doubt, it is an amazing surgery with amazing results.