Tuesday 1 March 2016

Eyebrow hair restoration techniques

Hair transplant for eyebrows! Does it seem unusual? To many it may seem unusual; but it is a miracle for people who have lost their eyebrow hair. Eyebrows are important facial feature, and losing eyebrows certainly affects your looks and confidence. There are certain cosmetic techniques to conceal eyebrow hair loss, but they are all temporary. Furthermore, they do not produce the same results as natural eyebrows do.
Reasons for Eyebrow Hair Loss
Here are common reasons that lead to eyebrow hair loss.
·         Excessive plucking: Years of excessive eyebrow plucking can lead to eyebrow hair loss. When you pluck a hair, hair comes out with partial root. Although, the hair grows from the remaining hair root, repeated plucking causes the hair root to die permanently.
·         Skin diseases: There are many skin diseases that cause the hair roots to die permanently. If your eyebrow area is affected by any of this skin condition, you may lose hair permanently.
·         Injury or surgery: When our skin is injured, hair roots in the resulting scar area die out. That’s why scars do not have any hair. Additionally, there are many situations when it is necessary to perform surgery to the eyebrow area. The hair will lose its ability to grow at the incision site.
Eyebrow hair transplant:
Fortunately, a hair transplant can grow eyebrow hair in the all above-mentioned cases. Eyebrow hair restoration works on the same principles as a scalp hair transplant. It extracts healthy donor hair form an area of the head and plants them to the eyebrow. Eyebrow transplant surgery comes under the category of body hair transplant in which hair are extracted from the scalp and planted elsewhere on the body to grow hair on eyebrows, eyelashes, beard or moustache. Eyebrow transplantation is a complex surgery that needs special skills on surgeon’s part.
Since eyebrow transplantation does not need a large number of hairs, surgeons recommend using less invasive FUE technique to harvest donor hair. The surgeon may need to divide some hair grafts under a stereo-microscope to prepare them for eyebrow transplant. Patients who have curly or wavy hair are a challenge for surgeons because in those patients the surgeon needs to rotate hair to a proper degree so that the hair would follow the natural direction of hair. The fact that it needs small number of hair for transplantation makes it less costly than a head hair transplant.

Aesthetics of eyebrow transplant
Eyebrow hair restoration demands good aesthetic sense and surgical skills from the surgeon. In fact, it is a procedure where surgeon carefully creates the arch shape of a brow, takes care of thickness and direction of hair and maintains the proper length of the brow and distance between the brows. A good surgeon creates natural looking eyebrows.
Following are some guidelines that the surgeon must take care of.
·         To create eyebrow or add thickness to it you need only those hair follicles which contain only 1 or 2 hairs. Using grafts containing 3 or 4 hairs would give the eyebrow an unnatural appearance.
·         Before planting in the recipient site, the hair must be rotated properly so as to follow the direction of hair in that area.
·         Recipient sites must be created in a way that when hairs grow they would lie flat on the surface while forming a fan like splay.
·         Transplanted hair must follow the direction of rest of the hair in the recipient site. 
When you will see the results:
It is a minor surgery performed with local anesthesia on outpatient basis. Your transplant will take only few hours and you will have your eyebrows restored. You can leave the clinic immediately after the transplant is complete. Although, the surgery does not take too long, you will not see your eyebrow hair growing overnight. The transplanted will go into a sleeping phase, known as telogen phase, right after the transplant. They will start their growth after 2-3 months.
How long will the results last?
Eyebrow transplant gives you permanent eyebrows. The surgery makes use of balding resistant hair follicles which are available at the back of the scalp. So, you never lose your hair from the treated area. Hair transplant gives natural looking results and no one can guess that you have grown your eyebrows through a surgery.

Eyebrow hair restoration is used frequently around the world because it is the only treatment which can give you natural brows permanently. It can increase thickness and volume of your hair and can also work on patients who have lost their eyebrows completely. No doubt, it is an amazing surgery with amazing results. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Treatment for frontal baldness

One of the initial symptoms of male pattern baldness is a receded hairline, also known as frontal baldness. It is mostly seen in men but sometimes women also face the wrath of androgenic alopecia. Female androgenic alopecia patients mostly suffer from generalized hair thinning over the entire scalp, but in some women it becomes more notable at the frontal region. If you are also a victim of frontal baldness, worry not. There are some really effective treatments that you can use to regrow your receded hairline. While there are numerous treatments claiming to stop or slow frontal baldness, only two of them have got US Food and Drug Administration’s approval. These include topical and oral medicines and surgical hair restoration, with the latter being only permanent solution for hair loss.
Causes of frontal baldness:
Before discussing the most effective treatment of frontal baldness, let’s first have a look at what exactly causes hair shedding. There are numerous medical conditions and circumstances that can cause hair thinning at the frontal areas of scalp, with Androgenic Alopecia being the main contributor. It is a hormonal disorder in which increased levels of Dihydro testosterone (DHT) in the body cause hair shedding, more in the frontal region and at the crown area. DHT inhibits growth of hair follicles and causes existing hair to shed. Over the time hair in the affected areas become less dense and thinner. Other causes of frontal hair loss include nutritional deficiencies, fungal infections, different ailments and hormonal imbalance. Certain medical treatments like chemotherapy also cause a person to shed hair. Whatever may be the reason behind your hair loss, you can regrow them using either of following treatments:
Medical treatment:
Minoxidil and Finasteride are two clinically tested, FDA-approved hair loss medicines. Both these medicines are really effective in treating mild to moderate hair loss. If you still have some hair remaining in the frontal area, try either of these medicines and see your hair regrowing within a few months.
Minoxidil is an over the counter topical application that comes in varying strengths, 2%, 4% and 5%. 2% can be used by both men and women while the higher concentrations are for men only. Continuous use of Minoxidil for 2 to 3 months triggers hair regrowth in up to 40% cases.
Finasteride is an FDA approved oral medication used for treating severe cases of androgenic alopecia. It is a prescription medicine that cannot be purchased without doctor’s advice. It is more effective as compared to Minoxidil and has shown positive results in up to 60% cases.
While both Minoxidil and Finasteride are really effective in triggering hair growth, their results are temporary. The hair starts shedding as soon as a person discontinues their use. Also, they have their own side effects that can be quite serious in some cases.
Hair Transplant Surgery:
If you are seeking a safe and permanent treatment of frontal baldness, a hair transplant surgery may be worth considering. Unlike medicines, the surgery does not regrow new hair. Instead, it redistributes existing healthy hair on a person’s scalp, or body even. Baldness resistant hairs at the back or sides of the scalp are usually used for transplantation. The surgeon uses either of FollicularUnit Transplant and FollicularUnit Extraction techniques for donor hair harvesting. If you are interested in a hair transplant surgery, contact us now and get the procedure done by our highly skilled, internationally recognized cosmetic plastic surgeons.

ACell/PRP Hair Loss Therapy:
If you are seeking a guaranteed yet non-surgical solution for frontal baldness, ACell/PRPhair loss therapy may be the procedure for you. The procedure involves injecting a mixture of A Cell’s Matristem technology and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) obtained from the patient’s own blood. A Cell helps regenerate miniaturized hair follicles whereas PRP is loaded with growth factors that add a lot of strength to the hair follicles, thus assisting in healthy hair growth. Hair Transplant Dubai also offers ACell/PRP Hair Loss therapy at highly competitive rates. If you are interested in this procedure or want to know more about it, contact us now by filling the free online consultation form below.
Natural remedies for frontal baldness:
There are a number of time tested natural remedies as well to regrow lost hair. If you are not a huge fan of medicines and surgical procedures, you can always benefit from them. Here are some really effective natural remedies for hair regrowth:
·         Coconut milk: It is one of the richest sources to nourish damaged hair tissues. Grind fresh coconut flakes in a food processor and squeeze its juice. Use this juice to massage frontal areas of the scalp daily. This will not only help prevent hair loss but will also trigger hair growth. Repeat this daily for a couple of months to see any improvement.
·         Aloe Vera gel: Pure aloe gel, when applied directly to the scalp, helps counter hair loss and regrow new hair in the affected areas. Aloe Vera application can help treat hair loss mainly caused by dry, infected scalp. Massage the gel on your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water after waiting for a couple of hours.

·         Onion and Garlic: Both onion and garlic are rich in sulfur – a mineral that assists healthy hair growth. Extract onion juice after chopping it finely and apply to the entire scalp, focus particularly on affected areas. Wait for 25 to 30 minutes before you wash your head. To use garlic for treatment of frontal baldness, boil it with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and massage your scalp regularly with this oil.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Pros and Cons of Lip Augmentation

Many women are looking to get plumped and luscious lips. Many forms of lip augmentation are now available. Both surgical and non-surgical options are there but mostly women prefer having non-surgical lip augmentation. In this procedure dermal fillers are injected in and around the lips to increase their volume and make them fuller. The procedure is no doubt safe as compared to surgical lip augmentation but still you should know about the pros and cons of the treatment. Here we will discuss some common pros and cons of lip augmentation.

Pros of lip augmentation
Some common pros of lip augmentation surgery include:
·         It is simple, short and easy treatment, which is performed on outpatient basis. It requires few minutes to complete, which are quite less than the duration of lip implant surgery.
·         It does not require use of anesthesia unlike lip implant surgery. This reduces risks of many complications. However, having pre-treatment allergic test is necessary for the treatment.
·         The procedure is nearly pain free. It does not involve making incisions and cuts that eliminates chances of experiencing pain. The only discomfort that a patient feels is pricking of extremely small needle.
·          As the treatment is minimal invasive, it does not cause any severe complications. The side effects are extremely low and bearable. They may include slight swelling, tenderness and bruising. The side effects can easily be managed with ice packs or cold compresses.
·         The procedure requires minimal downtime. You will be able to return to your work immediately after treatment. On the other hand, people who undergo lip implant surgery require about a week to recover completely.
·         The results of dermal fillers are temporary and they can be appealing to many patients. People who want to experience full luscious lips without permanently committing to look can benefit from this treatment.
·         Full and luscious lips beautify your smile and facial appearance and boost your self-esteem and confidence.
Cons of lip augmentation
Nearly every cosmetic treatment, despite of its safety and affectivity, carries certain side effects and disadvantages and same is with lip augmentation. Though temporary and minimal, the treatment also carries some side effects. Certain cons of lip augmentation include:
·         Some injectable fillers, when done improperly, can provide with uneven results.
·         Certain kinds of fillers may not be suitable for every patient. Such fillers may cause allergic reactions. So, it is important to know about all the products used and having allergic test prior to treatment.
·         The treatment does not give permanent results. So, you will require repeated treatments after every few months.

·         As the results of lip augmentation are not permanent and require maintenance treatments, the price increases.

Monday 21 December 2015

Laser Tattoo Removal – Myths and Facts

Laser tattoo removal is the most effective and safe method for removing tattoos on the skin. Despite of its popularity and demand, laser tattoo removal may sound scary. There are many misconceptions about laser tattoo removal that an individual must know about. Here we will discuss the most common myths and facts associated with the procedure.

Myth: Laser Tattoo removal is very painful procedure.
Fact: The treatment may cause slight discomfort, similar to snapping of rubber band on the skin but it is highly bearable. Numbing cream is applied on the skin prior to treatment to minimize the discomfort. so, laser tattoo removal is virtually pain free procedure.
Myth: Tattoo removal will remove natural pigment of the skin as well.
Fact: Certain types of lasers like Alexandrite and Ruby may damage the melanin causing skin bleaching but some types such as Nd: YAG won’t damage melanin or cause pigmentation. So individuals having darker skin tones should avoid Alexandrite or Ruby laser.
Myth: The treatment will leave scar.
Fact: Laser tattoo removal, when done by an experienced practitioner with right laser, does not cause scarring. However hair removal lasers may cause scarring and burning. Furthermore, frequencies of Ruby and Alexandrite lasers also cause scarring, so you should avoid them.
Myth: Darker colors are hard to remove.
Fact: Tattoos having black or dark colors are easier to remove because dark colors absorb all the wavelengths of laser. Lighter shades such as green and yellow, on the other hand, are difficult to remove because they selectively absorb laser light. Multiple wavelengths of laser are used to treat all the colors of tattoos.
Myth: Laser Tattoo Removal is a lengthy procedure.
Fact: The treatment is very quick, simple and short. It requires few minutes to complete, which is far shorter period than having tattoos.
Myth: Laser removes tattoo by burning the shallow layers of skin having tattoos.
Fact: Modern types of lasers do not burn the skin. They work by breaking down the pigments of tattoos. The removal of broken pigments is dependent on body’s natural immune system.
Myth: Laser will either remove tattoo completely or won’t. Partial removal is not possible.
Fact: Lasers used for tattoo removal are extremely accurate and customized. So, the procedure can easily remove the portion you aren’t happy with instead of removing entire tattoo.
Myth: You will require having the treatment sessions every week.
Fact: Laser treatment is no doubt done in multiple sessions but you will not need to have them every week. The treatment usually requires time span of four to eight weeks between two consecutive sessions to allow body get rid of shattered ink particles.
Myth: Old and amateur tattoos are harder to remove.

Fact: Most of the people consider removal of amateur tattoos harder as the ink or pigments are placed closer to skin surface but actually they are easier to remove. The removal of tattoos is also dependent on the depth of tattoos and therefore professionally made tattoos are harder to remove because of their depth. Older tattoos are also easier to remove because the ink tends to fade over time.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Tummy Tuck Surgery – Myths and Facts

Tummy tuck surgery – also known as abdominoplasty – is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. While the popularity and demand of this procedure is significantly increasing, myths and misconceptions that are misleading men and women regarding tummy tuck surgery are also popping up. Most of the myths about tummy tuck are mostly believed to be true. Here we will discuss some common misconceptions along with the facts.

Myth: Tummy tuck eliminates stretch marks
Fact: Whether tummy tuck eliminates stretch marks or not? It depends. Stretch marks can be eliminated completely only if they are located on the skin that will be removed during procedure, especially below the navel. If they are not removed completely, there is a chance that they will become less noticeable.
Myth: You can’t have children after tummy tuck
Fact: It is another misconception of many women that they can’t have child after undergoing tummy tuck. You can absolutely get pregnant after tummy tuck. This is because tummy tuck surgery does not have any impact on reproductive organs. However, it is recommended to wait for at least six months after surgery. Pregnancy may also affect the outcomes of surgery because it stretches the skin and abdominal muscles.
Myth: Just women can benefit from tummy tuck
Fact: No doubt tummy tuck surgery is the only most effective procedure that helps women improving the appearance of their abdomen after pregnancy but it is not only for women. Men, who have fat deposits on tummy area that is unresponsive to dieting and exercise, can also undergo abdominoplasty to get flat tummy.
Myth: Results of tummy tuck are not long lasting
Fact: It is another misconception that results of tummy tuck are not long lasting. Its results are permanent but you will have to maintain them as fat may accumulate on some other area of body. So, in order to make the results of tummy tuck permanent, you will have to follow healthy diet and exercise regime.
Myth: You will get flat stomach instantly after tummy tuck
Fact: The procedure improves the contours of abdomen but you should have realistic expectations with it. The procedure will no doubt give you very beneficial results but final results will take time to become visible. Furthermore, it can’t flatten your tummy completely.
Myth: Tummy tuck is not a painful procedure
Fact: Whether abdominoplasty is painful or not, it depends on patient, the type of procedure and the plastic surgeon. The severity of pain and discomfort after surgery varies from patient to patient. Some patients may experience soreness and pain for several months. You can minimize pain by following post-surgical instructions.
Myth: There will be no visible scars
Fact: It is a common misconception about tummy tuck that it does not cause visible scars but it is not the fact. Though plastic surgeons make full efforts to make scars invisible by making incisions in inconspicuous sites, scarring may be visible. However, you may apply body art to hide scarring.
Myth: You should get tummy tuck immediately after C-section

Fact: Most of women consider it more beneficial to undergo tummy tuck and C-section simultaneously. But most of the plastic surgeons do not recommend doing so. Getting tummy tuck after complete healing and recovery following C-section will give you better results.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Get Killer Facial Contours with Cheek and Chin Augmentation

Most of the people are unaware of the fact that facial beauty is all about perfect facial contours, symmetry and balance and how different facial features can affect one another. The volume of cheeks and chin create the balance and harmony in the facial contours and play an important role in making your facial appearance youthful and beautiful.  These areas are more likely remain unnoticed when it comes to facial rejuvenation. But they play an important role because proportional and youthful facial contours add to the beauty. Cheek and chin augmentation are ideal options for you if your chin and cheeks have lost their contours because of aging or if you have naturally depressed cheeks and receding chin.
What is cheek and chin augmentation?
Cheek augmentation – also known as malar augmentation – is the cosmetic surgery procedure that involves placement of cheek implants in the cheeks to create more volume and enhance facial contours.
Chin augmentation is the surgical procedure in which implant is placed in the chin to give it volume and prominence. Chin augmentation can be performed alone or in combination with Rhinoplasty – nose surgery – to improve facial proportion.

Who are good candidates for cheek and chin augmentation?
Men and women whose chin and cheeks have lost volume can undergo cheek and chin augmentation surgery to improve their facial contours. Individuals who have good general health and have realistic expectations with the outcomes of surgery can be good candidates for the procedure.
How cheek and chin augmentation are performed?
Chin augmentation surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia on outpatient basis. During surgery, an incision is made beneath the chin or inside the mouth. Chin implant is then inserted in the chin through this incision, which is then closed with sutures.
Cheek augmentation surgery is also performed under general anesthesia. It involves making incisions in the mouth. If cheek augmentation is being performed in combination with other facial procedures, incisions may also be made inside the lower eyelid or in the hairline. After making incisions, cheek implants are inserted in the cheeks. Finally incisions are closed with sutures.
Cheek implants are divided into three types varying in shapes. These types include:
·         Malar implants: These implants are placed directly on the cheekbones to provide higher projection.
·         Submalar implants: These implants are inserted just below the malar bone to create fullness in the lower cheek. These implants are used to balance out the pre-existing high cheekbones.
·         Combined: Combined implants are used to improve the contours of both cheekbone and lower cheeks.

Benefits of cheek and chin augmentation surgery
These procedures have many aesthetic and psychological benefits, which include:
·         Improve weak facial contours
·         Improve asymmetry of facial features
·         Make your facial appearance younger-looking and attractive
·         Boost your confidence and self-esteem

In short, cheek and chin augmentation can greatly improve your facial contours by making your cheeks and chin proportionate.

Monday 14 December 2015

Botox Treatment – Not For Wrinkles Only

Botox is one of the most common non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Botox is often known for its cosmetic uses but it is not only for wrinkle eradication. It has a number of other cosmetic as well as medical uses also. Botox is actually a muscle relaxer that paralysis muscles temporary and is effective for treating a number of conditions caused by improper muscles movements.
What is Botox?
Botox is natural purified protein that is made from a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum. Botox, in its original, concentrated form, is one of the most harmful substances on earth. It is responsible for causing botulism, which is a fatal disease but when used in diluted, purified form, it becomes the most effective drug. Small quantities of diluted Botox are injected in the skin for treatment purpose.
How does Botox work?
A mentioned earlier, Botox is a muscle relaxer, it works by temporarily inhibiting nerve impulses that stimulate muscles. Ultimately, the condition caused by improper muscular movement is treated. Botox works in the similar manner for not only wrinkles, but other conditions as well. Botox treatment is simple, easy and effective procedure. The only drawback of this treatment is that its results are temporary and last till the affect of Botox is there.
Botox is used for treating a number of cosmetic as well as medical conditions. Usually, it is used for treating following issues:
Wrinkles and lines
Botox safely and effectively reduces or eliminates the wrinkles caused by movement of facial muscles. Botox is injected into the facial muscles with fine needles.  It is an FDA approved non-surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation. Common facial areas that are treated include:
·         Horizontal lines on the forehead known as forehead lines
·         Vertical lines on forehead between eyebrows called frown lines
·         Lines around the corners of eyes called crow’s feet
·         Excessive lines besides nose and around mouth
Botox can also be injected in the neck to remove wrinkles on neck.
Lip enlargement

Besides eradication of lines and wrinkles, Botox is also effective for improving the appearance of thin lips. Small amount of Botox is injected in few sites in and around the lips that gives them volume and improves their symmetry and definition.
Improving facial contours
Botox can also improve the facial appearance by enhancing jaw line contours. For this purpose, Botox is injected in the masseter muscle.
Excessive sweating – hyperhidrosis
Excessive sweating, especially in armpits, palms and soles, known as hyperhidrosis, is the medical condition that occurs because of over activation of sweat glands. Botox can effectively treat this condition by temporarily blocking nerve signals that activate sweat glands. Botox treatment can also be done to treat excessive sweating in the palms and soles but mostly, it is used to reduce sweating in armpits.
Chronic migraines
Migraine aches are quite common. Injecting small amount of Botox in few sites in head, forehead and neck is helpful for treating chronic migraine that occurs for more than 15 days per month lasting for 4 hours or more. Botox has been approved for migraine treatment and showed effective results by significantly reducing the frequency of headache.
Blepharospasm is the neurological condition characterized by forcible twitching of eyelids. It occurs because of improper eyelid muscles movement. Botox treats blepharospasm by blocking nerve impulses to eyelid muscles. The treatment involves injecting small quantities of Botox into several sites above and below the eyes with tiny needles.
Lower back pain
Lower back pain is another condition caused by severe muscle spasms. For treatment of lower back pain caused by muscle spasm, Botox is injected in few sites in back. The treatment provides temporary but very effective results.